Central America

Concepción, Nicaragua

Concepción, Nicaragua, Dec 2012

My husband, Sergey, and I got up at 4 a.m. Our breakfast was leftover pizza from the last night’s dinner. I was on edge and could barely swallow a cold slimy slice of pizza. Our guide, Luis, met us at the hotel at 4.45 a.m. and we walked to a bus stop. The first morning […]

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Ometepe, Nicaragua, Dec 2012

Ometepe, Nicaragua, Dec 2012

Nicaragua So the big climb was scheduled for the following day, Sunday. My husband and I had all Saturday for ourselves and spent it exploring the island. We began with a pool called Ojo de Agua or Eye of water. It is a natural spring pool filled with water from an underground river that comes

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Nicaragua, Dec 2012

Costa Rica On Friday, my husband and I left Playa Hermosa for Nicaragua. First, we took the bus back to Liberia where we changed to another bus to Peñas Blancas. This town is the official border crossing between Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The border formalities for us were simple. We paid a small exit fee

Nicaragua, Dec 2012 Read More »

Costa Rica, Dec 2012

Playa Hermosa This 2-week trip to Central America covered two countries – Costa Rica and Nicaragua. My husband and I were going first to Costa Rica, then we traveled by bus to Nicaragua and returned to a different Costa Rica city to fly home. The trip was supposed to achieve two goals – to see

Costa Rica, Dec 2012 Read More »