

Back to Havana, Cuba, March 2022

Varadero I returned to Havana and slept 10 hours without waking. My room at casa Señora Martha that Amay kept for me was airconditioned and bug-free. I paid Amay for 3 remaining nights in Cuba and set aside $25 for the taxi to the airport. In the end, I was left with enough cash. However, […]

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Varadero, Cuba, March 2022

Trinidad to Varadero Varadero is a typical beach place with hotels. The beach is on the ocean side of it, very beautiful, one of the best in the world and I had seen many of them ‒ Cuba was the 95th country that I visited. In the morning, I went to the beach for a

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Trinidad to Varadero, Cuba, March 2022

Trinidad Trinidad is not a touristy place. However, it has several nice museums. My favorite was Romantic museum, the former Palace of the Count Brunet who was a wealthy creole. The palace was built in 1808 and for some time it was considered to be the most beautiful in the Caribbean. The hill overlooking Trinidad

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Trinidad, Cuba, March 2021

Trinidad, Cuba, March 2022

Havana to Trinidad Trinidad is a lovely 500-year-old city, small and compact but difficult to navigate. On my first morning there, I set off on foot to explore it and got lost almost immediately. Trinidad’s streets were renamed after the revolution. Sometimes, it is the old name on one plaque, then the new name on

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Havana to Trinidad, Cuba, March 2022

New Havana After 2 days in Havana, I got some insight into how people live in this country. Basic products like sugar, salt, cooking oil and coffee are distributed through designated stores. The quantity of what one person can get is limited. People lined up outside such a store and waited patiently for their turn

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Havana Viejo Cuba

New Havana, Cuba, March 2022

Old Havana Havana is rebuilding. Scaffolding is seen all over the old city. Some decaying buildings get restored while others are demolished and replaced with modern office and apartment blocks. Havana was once called “the city of columns”. I would call it “the city of statues” because they are everywhere. Statues can stand in the

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Havana Cuba

Old Havana, Cuba, March 2022

The Bahamas to Cuba “Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh na-na…” It is easy to fall in love with Havana. Everyone saw photos of its picturesquely decaying old buildings. They are marvelous and disgusting at the same time because people actually live in them. Cuba is a clear example of how decades of

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Havana Viejo

The Bahamas to Cuba, March 2022

The Bahamas To see Cuba was my dream of several years. In January 2021, I almost made it to there. I had a ticket to fly to Santiago de Cuba from the Dominican Republic. Cuba closed its borders due to a sudden spike in Covid cases while I was in the DR. My flight was

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Paradise Island Bahamas

Paradise Island, The Bahamas, March 2022

Nassau, The Bahamas The plan for my last full day in the Bahamas was to see Atlantis. The famous resort is located on a separate island called Paradise and connected by a bridge to the island of New Providence where Nassau is. I went to the cruise harbor again and past it over the bridge

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Fort Charlotte Nassau Bahamas

Nassau, The Bahamas, March 2022

USA to The Bahamas My hopes for a good sleep did not materialize. I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow because of the previous sleepless night. Then a strange noise entered my dream as if water was splashing somewhere nearby. I ignored the noise unwilling to wake up and drifted back

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