Prilep, Macedonia, August 2022

Pristina, Kosovo

After 3 days in Skopje, I took the bus to Prilep. It was a stopover for one night to break a long stretch of the road ahead into two shorter parts. I booked a room at the hotel Salida one day before coming here. It was €20 per night, quite decent but with slow WiFi.

Reports about Prilep say that it is not worth visiting. I agree, in general, however Prilep has enough to offer for one day. It is not a tourist place; I noticed no obvious visitors on the streets.

The first thing that catches the eye in Prilep is tobacco leaves hung out to dry in sunny spots. I never saw how tobacco leaves are cured and, at first, I did not understand what these things were. Then I recalled reading about Prilep that it was the center of tobacco production in Macedonia for 500 years. Apparently, I was in Prilep in the middle of tobacco harvest.

The frames with tobacco leaves were everywhere. I came to have a closer look and sniffed. The leaves emitted spicy aroma of dry grass. They did not smell like tobacco at all.
The frames with tobacco leaves were everywhere. I came to have a closer look and sniffed. The leaves emitted spicy aroma of dry grass. They did not smell like tobacco at all.
The locals pack harvested leaves in long narrow boxes,
The locals pack harvested leaves in long narrow boxes,
then string them and hang out the garlands to dry.
then string them and hang out the garlands to dry.
I took a dozen of photos before I was able to stop myself from taking more pictures. The frames lined up against the walls,
I took a dozen of photos before I was able to stop myself from taking more pictures. The frames lined up against the walls,
they stood along the streets...
they stood along the streets…
and even on rooftops.
and even on rooftops.
In the evening, I walked around the quiet and cozy center where people sat in cafes, children played, and street vendors sold food and crafts.
In the evening, I walked around the quiet and cozy center where people sat in cafes, children played, and street vendors sold food and crafts.

Prilep has its own statue of Alexander the Great. Unlike the enormous monument in Skopje where Alexander depicted mounted on a horse, the Prilep statue is a lot smaller and Alexander is stark naked save for a strange piece of cloth that is magically remains stuck to his hip without being wrapped around his body. There are other monuments too. it looks like Macedonians have a thing for them.

Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Early next morning while the sun was low, I walked up to the mountains. Nice views and some interesting rock formations.
Early next morning while the sun was low, I walked up to the mountains. Nice views and some interesting rock formations.

Strumica, Macedonia

2 thoughts on “Prilep, Macedonia, August 2022”

  1. sphinxcakeelektra38883

    Fascinating the way the tobacco leaves are dried! It seems unchanged for 500 years:) And Johny Walker who keeps on walking makes one smile:)

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