Heraclea Sintica
Shortly, I was at the mineral springs. The area was clean and unspoiled by human presence but all facilities were there – change rooms, showers, and toilets. This water does not contain sulfur and it does not smell. The list of what it does contain is long including rare-earth-elements, metals, and minerals. I changed into a swimsuit and plopped into one of the shallow puddles. The bottom was covered with soft grey clay, not unpleasant, that other people applied all over themselves. I followed their example and rested there for an hour.
A little farther up the road, there are Vanga’s second house and a church that Vanga built with her own money in 1996 not long before her death. Vanga believed in special powers of this area and moved to Rupite from Petrich. I do not know about the special powers. Personally, I did not feel anything but water in the nearby spring tasted great.

This was the end of my sightseeing program for the day. The next task was getting back to the wonderful Provence hotel. I had to walk back to the excavation site where I asked a site staff member to call for a taxi for me, paid the same 15 levs and was taken right to the hotel steps tired but quite satisfied with everything despite the detour to Todorov.