The sea voyage from Russia to Australia was my first ever trip outside of Russia. Recently divorced with my 11-year old son, I was immigrating to the country I hardly knew anything about. There was no reason for us to hurry to Australia. No job was waiting for me there. That’s why I decided on taking a boat rather than flying. If you think that the era of sea voyages is over it actually is not. Although my trip was years ago it is still possible to travel on board of a cargo ship as a passenger.
Here are a couple of websites to check out for those who are interested http://www.freighterexpeditions.com.au/cargo-ship-travel-things-you-should-know and http://www.cruisepeople.co.uk/world.htm. My story is rather personal. It is not going to help anyone to recreate the trip. I wrote it hoping that readers will find my experience interesting. I never thought I’d leave my native country and move elsewhere. Yet it happened as things happen sometimes because it was meant to be that way.